APH 161

Homeworks are due at the beginning of class one week after they are posted.  Solutions will be posted two days after the homeworks are submitted, and homeworks will be returned a week after they are submitted.

Late policy: NO late homeworks will be accepted (late means anytime after class starts the day the homework is due) unless you have a mindblowingly good excuse - this means a note from someone like a doctor or a Dean.  Rob does not grant extensions.

Collaboration policy: you may discuss the homework with others, but your explanations and derivations must be your own.  Your logic and the significance of your results should also be explained.

HW1 (due 1/14), solutions
  • Reading for referee report
  • ATP pdb file, B-DNA pdb file, phosphatidylcholine pdb file, GFP pdb file, chlorophyll pdb file
  • LB and minimal media recipes, from the APh 162 website
  • Papers:
  • van de Meene A.M.L., Hohmann-Marriott, M.F., Vermaas W.F.J., and Robertson R.W. (2006)  The three-dimensional structure of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.  Arch. Microbiol 184: 259-270.
  • Mitra K., Belandia I.U., Taguchi T., Warren G., and Engelman D.M. (2004) Modulation of the bilayer thickness of exoytic pathway membranes by membrane proteins rather than cholesterol. PNAS 101 (12): 4083-4088. - Table 1 of this paper provides the protein:lipid mass ratios in a number of different biologically interesting membranes.
  • Takamori et al. (2006) Molecular anatomy of a trafficking organelle.  Cell 127: 831-846. - Figure 4 of this paper illustrates the true crowded nature of biological membranes. 
  • HW2 (due 1/21), solutions
  • Reading for referee report: preface to Cell Biology by the Numbers, vignettes
  • HW3 (due 1/28), solutions
  • The data you need for problem 1.
  • HW4 (due 2/12 at 5 pm), solutions
  • Please note that the Sourjik+Berg and Bray papers referenced in problem 3 are posted on the syllabus page under Lecture 5.
  • Sample simulation code to help you with the last problem.
  • The paper referenced in problem 4: Rosenfeld N., Young J.W., Alon U., Swain P.S., and Elowtiz M.B. (2005)  Gene regulation at the single-cell level.  Science, 307: 1962-1965.
  • HW5 (due 2/26 at 5 pm), solutions
  • Paper for the last problem: Elowitz M.B. and Leibler S. (2000) A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators.  Nature 403: 335-338.
  • The corrected figure for the last problem.
  • Code to help you solve ODE's and plot figures in Matlab.
  • HW6 (due 3/5 at 5 pm)