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APh 162: Weeks 1 & 2

E.WM Fong, JH Kim, AP Lin





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Sea Urchin Fertilization and Early Development

Lytechnius variegates (sea urchin) is one of the model organisms in development biology. It gives main advantages in investigating the earliest steps of development since there are essentially no limitations on material for large scale RNA purification and for isolation of native proteins in sufficiently large amounts to carry out functional and biochemical analyses on the protein level [1]. Furthermore, it has optically clear, easily manipulated embryo that is resistant to considerable micromanipulation [2]. The small number of genes, approximately 27,000 and the relatively simple structure of the primary larva offers an ideal model for detailed analyses of developmental processes [3].

In this lab, the fertilization and early development of sea urchin embryo will be visualized. Then the time frame of those processes and the change of embryo morphology will be quantitatively analyzed,

Material and Methods:
We first harvested eggs and sperm from sea urchins by injecting 0.5M KCl para-orally. Eggs were collected by inverting female urchins over 100 mL beakers with artificial sea water. Sperms were collected by inverting male urchins on 10 mm petri dishes. A drop of egg suspension was placed on a glass depression slide under a microsope and covered by a cover slip. Sperms were diluted by a factor of 10 to prevent polyspermic events. Then a small drop of sperm suspension was added, allowing fertilization and embryo development. The time lapse images were taken by Nikon microscope at 10X with the rate of 30 seconds per frame. The images were then quantitatively analyzed by ImageJ.


The development of sea urchin embryos were observed until the second division finished. The area of individual cell in the egg decreased after each cell division while the area of the whole egg remained the same after each cell division. Time for the process of each division was roughly 6 minutes and time between cell divisions was 22 minutes.

Click on image below for movie (3MB):

Examples of how cell volume was measured using ImageJ:




The efficiency of the fertilization process was low, mostly because of inappropriate egg and sperm dilution. At too low sperm concentration, only a few fractions of eggs were fertilized. On the other hand, high sperm concentration resulted in polyspermy and abnormal development of the embryos. Thus it would be beneficial to find an optimal concentration of eggs and sperms to bring more eggs into fertilization. Also, as we were not able to maintain appropriate salt concentration for sea urchin embryos due to evaporation of artificial sea water from the sample, they died after second division, thus could not reach the blastula stage. Thus next time, eggs will be fertilized and developed in a separate beaker and a sample for observation would be attained from it every two hours during the development process. In a future study, immunostaining technique would be used for fluorescence visualization of chromosomes and nuclei of sea urchin embryos.

1. Epel, D., Vacquier, V. D., Peeler, M., Miller, P. and Patton, C. (2004). Sea urchin gametes in the teaching laboratory: good experiments and good experiences. Methods Cell Biol 74, 797-823.
2. Levine, M. and Davidson, E. H. (2005). Gene regulatory networks for development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 4936-42.
3. Oliveri, P. and Davidson, E. H. (2004). Gene regulatory network analysis in sea urchin embryos. Methods Cell Biol 74, 775-94.


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