Sizes and Rates

APh 162: Weeks 1 & 2

E.WM Fong, JH Kim, AP Lin





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In Vitro Kinetics of β-galactosidase

The enzyme β-galactosidase (β-gal) plays an important role in cellular metabolism by breaking down lactose into glucose and galactose (Figure 1), important fuels for the cells.  In E. Coli the lacZ gene produces β-gal and is often used as a marker for gene expression.  In this study, we will be measuring enzyme kinetics of β-gal indirectly using a lactose analog, o-nitrophenyl-β-galactopyranoside (ONPG) which is cleaved by β-gal to o-nitrophenyl-(ONP) which has a different absorbance and can observed by eye.  Quantitation is achieved using a spectral photometer.  Enzyme kinetics will be calculated using the following equation:

1. Verify experimentally if β-Galactosidase kinetics are linear
2. Determine rate constants and conversion of ONPG to ONP by β-Gal
3. Determine molar extinction coefficient for ONP experimentally

1. Calculate molar extinction constant from  Fowler & Zabin (PNAS 1977):

# of AA in β-galactosidase                    Extinction coefficient @ 280 (mol/cm)
38 tryptophan                                                   5690
31 tyrosines                                                      1280
16 cystines (half-cystines)                                 120

 From equation 1 in Gill & von Hippel (Analy Biochem, 1989):

Extinction coefficient = 4x[38(5690) + 31(2180) + 16(120)]M-1cm-1


2.  Dilute ONPG and β-Galactosidase in phosphate buffer and Z buffer, respectively:

     Phosphate buffer: 1.61g Na2HPO4-7H2O, 0.55g NaH2PO4-H2O in 100mL DD-H2O and adjust pH to 7.0
     Z-buffer: 0.8g Na2HPO4-7H2O, 0.28g NaH2PO4-H2O, 0.5mL of 1M KCl, 0.05ml of 1M MgSO4,
                   0.135ml β-mercaptoethanol, adjust pH to 7.0 and store at 4C.

     In order to plot the linear kinetics, we diluted β-gal at 6 different concentrations.  To do this over multiple trials,
     troughs were filled according to the table below: 

Well Row         Conc(units/ml)             Measurement
D1                   33                                84 ul of 330 u/ml beta-gal
756 ul of z-buffer
D2                   16.5                             42 ul of beta
                                                            798 ul of z
D3                   8.25                             21 ul of beta
                                                            819 ul of z
D4                   4.125                           10.5 ul of beta
                                                            829.5 ul of z
D5                   2.1                               5.25 ul of beta
                                                            835 ul of z
D6                   1                                  2.63 ul of beta
                                                            837 ul of z
210 ul of 4 mg/ml phosphate buffer + ONPG per trough

Using a multichannel pipette, rows B-F of the of the plate is filled according to the diagram below:
Rows B-F were filled with 140 ml from each trough
B-E were then filled with 35ml of ONPG+phosphate buffer
F was filled with just 35 ml of buffer, no ONPG to serve as a control
B8 was filled with 140 ml of z-buffer and 35 ml of ONPG.

3. MeasureOD at 420nm using an automated plate reader, data was acquired every 15 seconds for 60 minutes.

4. An addition dilution at 100x was acquired:

1)      175/7 = 25 ul out of each well in row D and placed into row G

2)      Added 150 ul of buffer to each well in row G to dilute by 100x

3)      Took 25 ul out of each well in row E to row H

4)      In row H added 150 ul of buffer to each well to dilute controls by 100x

5)      Took 25 ul out of B8 and added it to C8

6)      Added 150 ul of buffer to dilute negative control by 100x

7)      Ran in spectrophotometer at 300 nm to 800 nm in 2 nm steps


5. In order to quantify β-galactosidase, we must denature the protein and obtain a proper measurement of the residues:

1)      Take 18 ul of β-galactosidase  in eppedorf and placed it in D8

2)      Added 162 ul of Gaunidinium HCl to dilute it by 10x

3)      Added 150 ul of Gaunidinium HCl and 25 ul of z-bufer in F8 as a control

4)      Acquired data in spectrophotometer at fixed wavelength of 280nm

5)      Absorption measured in D8 = 1.6061, F8 = 1.4758

6)      Measured well size = 6.6 mm=0.66cm

7)      ONPG concentration:




6. Using calipers, the well heigh was measured, this is necessary for the following ONP extinction coefficient calculations:






The OD measurements for wells B-F are shown below:

As seen in kinetic reaction plot, there is degradation in ONP corresponding to approximately 0.4 OD units. Since this degradation is in the non-linear absorbance regime, we cannot extrapolate a constant to add. This experiment can be performed again with the same enzyme and substrate concentration, and stopped before degradation occurs, since we now know the timescale. 

Error estimate: there may be deviations in the height of the well due to pippeting errors.



Solving for K+:

After solving the differential equations we get the term:

The literature figure for =3500.[1]




The Literature states that K­cat = 480 [2]. As we can see, the only set of parameters fitting the literature are the averages of the small slopes and the literature cited extinction coefficient.

Slopes for the graphs starting with 33u/ml(left) ending with 1 u/ml(right):
0.0098    0.2104    0.1268    0.0684    0.0243    0.0036

After modeling differential equations:
Slope: 0.5853    0.6243    0.5482    0.3795    0.2349    0.1251

MATLAB Handle Graphics

Figure 1: Raw data measurements and blank corrections. Rows: β –gal concentrations from top to bottom: 33μl, 16.5μl, 8.25μl, 4.125μl, 2.1μl, 1μl. Columns: repetitions. Column 2 was not included in averaging since it clearly doesn’t reflect accurate data.

MATLAB Handle Graphics

Figure 2: Plots representing average data used. Linear regression slopes are indicated at the top of each graph. Green line is the linear regression slope, while red lines represent error estimates. Linear approximation was performed on starting time interval of 200 seconds, graphs show extended slopes. Error estimation was performed by computing mean and standard deviation of data points from the linear fit.


Error analysis:

1. Protein starts denaturating while kept in plate (is not in 40C).

2. Mixing errors distribute an uneven amount of protein into each repetition.

3. 2nd repetition trough may have had a contamination, inhibiting the protein, since all other conditions were uniform. Another explanation is that that row in the plate may have been dirty since the absorption reader is the same for all samples.



2. Yuan, J., M. Martinez-Bilbao, and R.E. Huber, Substitutions for Glu-537 of β-galactosidase from Escherichia coli cause large decreases in catalytic activity. Biochem J, 1994. 299 ( Pt 2): p. 527-31.


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