Required Textbooks
Understanding DNA and Gene Cloning:
A Guide for the Curious
by Karl Drlcia
ISBN: 0471434167 |
Reading the Story in DNA
by Lindell Bromham
ISBN: 0521870704 |
Please note: this schedule is tentative and may change as the term progresses.
Week 1
Session 1: Logistics and laboratory basics |
Pre lab: |
In lab: |
- Handout (PDF)
- Laboratory basics:
- pipetting
- “cell management” – sterile technique and plating
- biological spectroscopy using a spectrophotometer
Homework: |
- Brief summary in your lab notebooks of each of the three laboratory exercises.
Session 2: Introduction to microscopy |
Reading: |
- Read the brief manual (PDF) we have written on micromanager, the software we will be using to run the fluorescence microscopes. Also, you will find it useful to review the Matlab tutorial.
In lab: |
- We have a variety of prepared samples we want you to look at: resolution target, marine diatoms, fixed and fluorescently labeled eukaryotic cells, fluorescent E. coli, pond sample. In each case, you will need to take pictures which will be turned in to us (with appropriate scale bars).
- resolution target – picture with the 100x objective
- fluorescent eukaryotic cells – picture in 3 fluorescence channels
- E. coli – phase image and fluorescence image
- Pond water from Caltech ponds – what do you see?
- marine diatoms – single nice picture (if you have time)
Homework: |
- Assignment 1 (PDF)
- Please see the following two Matlab handouts for assistance doing the Matlab portion of the homework:
Week 2
Session 1: Pond Water Collection |
Reading: |
In lab: |
- Protocols for Session 1 (PDF)
- Pond water collection
- Sample centrifugation & storage
- Journal club #1
Session 2: DNA Extraction |
Reading: |
In lab: |
Week 3
Session 1: PCR |
Reading/pre-lab: |
- Drlica reading: pp. 40-47, 153-15 (these are the sections on DNA replication and PCR)
- PCR prelab / solutions (PDF)
In lab |
Session 2: Examination of environmental samples |
In lab |
- Examination of:
- Carolina samples
- Pond water samples (unstained and DAPI/SYBR stained)
- E. coli (unstained and DAPI/SYBR stained)
Homework: |
Week 4
Session 1: Single molecule restriction digest |
Reading/pre-lab: |
In lab: |
Session 2: Single molecule restriction digest continued |
In lab: |
Homework: |
- Assignment for Monday, April 27
- Read pgs. 185-215 of "Reading the Story in DNA". We will be discussing this chapter in
class on Monday evening in journal club format. (This assignment is also listed below as reading).
- Week 5 prelab
- Assignment for Tuesday, April 28
- Provide three microscopy images of different samples with at least one of them coming from
the pond water (from Week 3, Day 2). Your other samples can be the Carolina samples. In each case, please
make sure to include a scale bar and a few sentences on how you are sure that the
scale bar is correct. In addition, in each case provide
a one paragraph (max.) description of the organism. In your description, try to focus
on those features of the organism that you think might be relevant to exploring
the evolutionary relatedness of your organism to other organisms. What we are driving
at is that we want you to come up with various characters that you think are possibly relevant
to classification.
Week 5
Session 1: Restriction digest and electrophoresis of PCR products |
Reading/Prelab: |
- Read pgs. 185-215 of "Reading the Story in DNA". We will be discussing this chapter in
class on Monday evening in journal club format.
- Week 5 prelab assignment (PDF)
In lab: |
Session 2: TOPO Transformation and plating |
In lab: |
Homework: |
Week 6
Session 1: Growth curves and the great plate count anomaly |
Reading/Prelab: |
In lab: |
Session 2: Growth curves and the great plate count anomaly continued |
Homework: |
- Turn in a write up that shows your bacterial growth data and
in which you obtain the cell doubling time. Your work should be turned in with proper
figure captions, discussions of what you did and what you learned, some concluding
thoughts, etc.
Week 7
Session 1: Video microscopy of growing colonies |
Reading: |
In lab: |
Homework: |
Session 2: Sequencing preparation |
In lab: |
Homework: |
Week 8
Session 1: |
Reading: |
In lab: |
Homework: |
Session 2: |
Reading: |
In lab: |
Homework: |
Week 9
Session 1: |
Reading: |
In lab: |
Homework: |
Session 2: |
Reading: |
In lab: |
- DNA Extraction
- Spectrophotometry of extracted DNA
Homework: |
Week 10
Session 1: |
Reading: |
In lab: |
Homework: |
Session 2: |
Reading: |
In lab: |
- DNA Extraction
- Spectrophotometry of extracted DNA
Homework: |