.: A message from the students...
All of us would like to sincerely thank Rob, Hernan, Tristan,
and Joanne for the tremendous amount of time and energy you put into the
Biophysics Laboratory. Some of us have already had direct benefits
stemming from our experiences in APh/BE 162. Eileen was able to help
troubleshoot a ligation problem in her lab due to her hands-on experience with
the DNA Sciences Lab. Alex was able to utilize the Matlab skills he gained
from the excellent tutorial and application in the projects to improve upon
research that will likely be published this summer. Jin is now armed with
an arsenal of skills that he was previously unexposed to as an engineer.
We hope that our positive experience is some justification for all that you put
into this class.
.: thank you!
Alex, Eileen, and Jin (AEK)

Eileen, Jin, and Alex at the
Korean Friendship Bell
at Angels Gate Park, San Pedro
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