Eileen Fong, Jin-Hong Kim,   Alexander Lin    

Picture Gallery
Mitosis: In Vivo and In Vitro Microscopy  -  Final Project


.: Picture Gallery


Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (purple sea urchin)

A beautiful shot by JHK


An abundance of sea urchins


Entrance to White Point Beach


The cliffs that surround White Point beach

We're not the only ones searching through tidal pools today...


Sea aneanomae


Purple sea urchin burrows



Very easy to cut yourself on!


The tide pools of Palos Verdes


Low tide


Fields of Sea Urchins


Close-up of the crevices


A huge sea star

Sea stars are major sea urchin predators


Waves breaking against the shore


More sea urchins!


Eileen in her sea urchin pickin' outfit


Jin, the expert sea urchin hunter

Partly because he *really* likes to eat them...


A bucketful of sea urchins


Alex, the not-so-expert rock climber


The AEK team with their bounty


A treasure chest of biological gold


Jin posing with a sea urchin


Eileen with two!


Driving away from the beautiful beach...


Follow the kite...


Korean Friendship Bell

A little side journey that we took on our way back...


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