Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (purple sea urchin)
A beautiful shot by JHK |
An abundance of sea urchins
Entrance to White Point Beach
The cliffs that surround White Point beach
We're not the only ones searching through tidal pools today... |
Sea aneanomae
Purple sea urchin burrows
Very easy to cut yourself on! |
The tide pools of Palos Verdes
Low tide
Fields of Sea Urchins
Close-up of the crevices
A huge sea star
Sea stars are major sea urchin predators |
Waves breaking against the shore
More sea urchins!
Eileen in her sea urchin pickin' outfit
Jin, the expert sea urchin hunter
Partly because he *really* likes to eat them... |
A bucketful of sea urchins
Alex, the not-so-expert rock climber
The AEK team with their bounty
A treasure chest of biological gold
Jin posing with a sea urchin
Eileen with two!
Driving away from the beautiful beach...
Follow the kite...
Korean Friendship Bell
A little side journey that we took on our way back... |