Nicholas R. Ballor
APh 162 Project

Manipulation of the Lac Promoter



The following standard E. coli strains were used in this study: 

    • MG1655 (wild type)
    • MG1655 ΔLacI (Datsenko, 2000)
    • MC4100Z1


The pZ series of plasmids developed by Lutz and Bujard (1997) were used in this study.  More specifically, pZS22-YFP plasmids were used in this study where S indicates that the plasmid produces less than 10 copies per cell (pSC101 origin of replication), 22 indicates that the plasmid harbors a kanamycin resistance gene (30 ug/ml kanamycin was present in all media used to grow cells harboring this plasmid or its derivatives) and a PLlac-O1 promoter. 

The promotor harbored by the plasmid was altered in this study.  The sequences of the two promoters used in this study are given below.  The blue region of each sequence indicates the O1 operator site where LacI binds the DNA and the red sites represent the -10 and -35 binding sites for the σ70 subunit of RNA polymerase.  

O1-LacUV5 promoter construct:


LacUV5-O1 promoter construct:


The LacUV5 promoter was used by Müller-Hill in experiments to evaluate the role of operator spacing in repression at the Lac operon (1996).  This promoter was used in this study because it has a reasonable level of basal activity and high induced activity -- this property is useful when a  measurable ratio of induced and non-induced signals is desired.

For the purpose of ligating the constructs into a plasmid, each of the above conostructs was designed with restriction sites overhanging the 5' (XhoI) and 3' (EcoRI) ends.  

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Ordering DNA

All DNA was ordered through Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. 

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Sequencing DNA

DNA sequencing was conducted at the Sequence Analysis Facility of the California Institute of Technology. 

The following primer was ordered and used to sequence the promoter region of the plasmids used in this study: 


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Running a Gel

1.5% (wt/vol) agarose gels were used in all DNA gel electrophoresis unless noted as otherwise.  Gels were run at 120V in the presence of ethidium bromide except where noted as otherwise.  These conoditions were used for analytic gels and for gel purification of samples.  Gels were typically run in TAE running buffer. 

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Gel Extraction

Once a DNA sample of interest was isolated as a band on an electrophoretic gel, it was excised using a clean razor blade and the DNA was purified using a gel extraction kit from Qiagen.  

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Plasmid Digests

Plasmids were digested in two steps using XhoI and EcoRI from New England Biolabs.  

Each reaction mixture was incubated at 37°C for a period of one hour. Reaction mixtures were composed of a DNA sample suspended in 1X (final concentration) of the provided buffer diluted in nuclease free water to a total volume of 50 ul.  2 ul of the provided enzyme stock were used in each reaction (~4 units).  Following the one hour of incubation, samples were purified using a PCR purification kit from Qiagen and subsequently suspended in the appropriate buffer for the next digest or, in the case of no following digest, nuclease free water.  

Approximately 2 ug of total plasmid DNA were used in each plasmid digest (the typical yield of pZS plasmid from a mini-prep). 

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Plasmid Purification

Plasmids were purified using mini prep or midi prep kits from Qiagen.  Standard procedures were followed for preparation of plasmid DNA.  One modification of the midi prep protocol was implemented in which the sample was centrifuged for 8 minutes at 8,000 rpm following the addition of buffer N3, and the supernatant was then used in subsequent steps of the protocol.  All samples submitted for sequencing were obtained using a midi-prep kit and samples using for DNA ligation and digestion were obtained using a mini prep kit.  

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DNA ligation was carried out using a Rapid DNA Ligation kit from Promega.  1 and 2 ul of 10X dilution in nuclease free water of insert (annealed primer mixture, see below), with a concentration of approximately 208 ng/ul, and 5 ul vector (digested plasmid, see above), with a concentration of approximately 28.8 ng/ul, were used in each reaction.  All DNA concentrations were measured using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer.  The ligation reaction was allowed to take place for 10 minutes.  Following this incubation period, the ligated DNA was purified using a PCR purification kit from Qiagen. 

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Electrocompotent cells (~ 50 ul) were transformed using 2 ul of a 10X dilution in nuclease free water of each of the ligated plasmid solutions.  Transformation was completed using standard electroporation equipment at a voltage of 2.5 kV giving a time constant greater than 3.  Following the electroporation, which was done in a standard electroporation cuvette, samples were  incubated in this cuvette in 1 ml SOC medium at 37°C for 45 minutes prior to plating the samples.

150 ul of each sample was plated onto LB plates supplemented with 30 ug/ml kanamycin using sterile glass ColiRoller beads.  The unused cell suspension was kept at room temperature.  If no growth was observed on the plates following the first day of incubation, the remainder of the cell suspensions was plated.

Three isolated colonies were selected from each plate on which growth was observed.  Plasmids were purified using cultures grown from each colony and sequenced; glycerol stocks were also prepared from each colony.  

When cells were transformed with a plasmid obtained using a mini prep or a midi prep kit, 1 ul of this mixture was used in the electroporation and 50 ul of the cell suspension was plated onto LB plates supplemented with kanamycin.  

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Annealing Primers

Primers were ordered from IDT technologies in pairs such that the members of each pair would anneal to each other to form the constructs given above with an XhoI digest sticky end at the 5' end and an EcoRI sticky end at the 3' end.  Primers were resuspended in STE buffer to a final concentration of 100 pmol/ul when obtained from IDT.  

The primers were anealed as follows: 

      1. Mix together 5 ul of each resuspended oligomer
      2. Incubate samples using a thermocycler at 95°C for 5 minutes, 55°C for 3 minutes and end at 25°C. 
      3. Store samples at -20°C. 

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Preparing Compotent Cells

Electrocompotent cells were prepared following standard protocols in molecular biology.  In short, a 1 L culture was inoculated using an overnight 25 mL culture in low salt LB and grown to an optical density of 0.7 in low salt LB.  The culture was then chilled on ice for 30 minutes and cells were harvested by centrifugation.  Cells were then washed four times in 10% glycerol and finally resuspended in 2 mL 10% glycerol.  The cells were then distributed as 50 ul alequotes into 0.65 ml Eppendorf tubes and immediately placed in -80°C storage.

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Bulk Fluorescence Measurements

Expression of YFP was measured in bulk using a plate reader with Costar black 96 well plates (~0.5 mL well volume) having clear bottoms.  Fluorescence was measured from the bottom of the plate. Emission wavelength was set to 500 nm with a band width of 20 nm and excitation was measured at 535 nm with a band width of 20 nm.  The optical density at 600 nm was also measured using the plate reader. 

For bulk fluorescence measurements, 5 ml MCG medium (supplemented with antibiotic as appropriate) was inoculated to an optical density of 0.01 (~ 10 ul) using cells from an overnight culture.  These were then incubated with shaking at 37°C until an OD600 of around 0.1 was reached. At this point, 200 ul samples of each culture were evaluated using the plate reader.  

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Preparing Glycerol Stocks

Stocks were prepared in duplicate for all transformed cells.  Colonies isolated on agar plates were used to inoculate 5 ml LB.  These cultures were then allowed to grow overnight; then 0.5 ml was combined with 0.5 ml 50% glycerol in screw-cap cryotubes and these solutions were then immediately placed in -80°C storage for later use.

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