Please note: this schedule is tentative and may change as the term progresses.
Week 1
Session 1: Logistics and laboratory basics
Pre lab: |
In lab:
- Introduction on laboratory techniques
- Lab safety rules
- Pipetting/Restriction Digest
- "Cell management" - sterile technique and plating
- Biological spectroscopy using a spectrophotometer
Session 2: Microscopy and Powers of Ten
Pre lab: |
In lab:
- Introduction on microscopy
Session 3: Gel Electrophoresis and Matlab Tutorial
Pre lab: |
- Matlab handout (ZIP)
- How to connect to FC1 (PDF)
In lab: |
- Gel electrophoresis of restriction digests
Mon. (4/1)
- Introduction to Bi1x
- Group 1: Logistics and laboratory basics
- Group 2: Microscopy and Powers of Ten
Tue. (4/2)
- Journal club on Nurse paper
- Group 1: Microscopy and Powers of Ten
- Group 2: Logistics and laboratory basics
Thurs. (4/4)
- Meet at the BBB ponds at 7:00PM
- Gel electrophoresis of restriction digests
- Matlab tutorial: bring laptops with Matlab installed
Assignment 1
Due Mon. (4/15) |
Week 2
Session 1: Growth Curves
Pre lab:
In lab:
Session 2: Growth Movies
Pre lab:
In lab: |
Mon. (4/8) |
- Group 1:
- Group 2:
- Journal Club
- Growth Movies
Tue. (4/9) |
- Group 1:
- Journal Club
- Growth Movies
- Group 2:
Assignment 2
Due Mon. (4/29) |
Week 3
Session 1: Single Molecule Restriction Assays
Pre lab: |
In lab: |
Session 2: Fly Crosses
Pre lab: |
In lab: |
Mon. (4/15) |
- Group 1:
- Journal club: van den Broek
- Fly crosses
- Group 2:
- Single molecule restriction assay
Tue. (4/16) |
- Group 1:
- Single molecule restriction assay
- Group 2:
- Journal club: van den Broek
- Fly crosses
Assignment 3
Due Mon. (5/6) |
Week 4
- In place of a journal article there will be a discussion session following Rob's lecture.
Session 1: Fluctuation Test
Pre lab: |
In lab: |
Session 2: Oral Swabs/DNA Extraction
Pre lab: |
In lab: |
Session 3: Matlab Tutorial
Pre lab: |
Mon. (4/22) |
- Group 1:
- Luria/Delbrück Lecture
- Discussion Session
- Fluctuation test
- Group 2:
- Mouth swabs (optional)
- DNA Extraction
Tue. (4/23) |
- Group 1:
- Mouth swabs (optional)
- DNA Extraction
- Group 2:
- Luria/Delbrück Lecture
- Discussion Session
- Fluctuation test
Thu. (4/25) |
- Everyone:
- Matlab tutorial (growth movies, single cell digest)
Assignment 4
Due: Mon. (5/13) |
- Assignment 4: See Section 6 of Luria-Delbrück Handout
Week 5
Session 1: 16S PCR on Microbial DNA
Pre lab: |
- Read the handout
- Write pre-lab in your notebook
In lab: |
Session 2: PCR Purification/TOPO Cloning
Pre lab: |
- Write pre-lab in your notebook
In lab: |
Mon. (4/29) |
- Everyone:
- Biology tutorial: PCR, primer design, 16S sequences
- 16S PCR on purified microbial DNA
- Journal club
Tue. (4/30) |
- Everyone:
- Biology Tutorial: TOPO Reaction/Transformation
- PCR Purification
- TOPO Reactions
Work on Assignments 3 and 4 this week. |
Week 6
Session 1: Fly Embryo Experiment
Pre lab: |
- Read the handout
- Write the pre-lab in your notebook
In lab: |
Session 2: Colony PCR
Pre lab: |
Mon. (5/6) |
- Lecture: French Flag Model
- Group 1:
- Fly embryo collection
- Embryo mounting and imaging
- Group 2:
Tue. (5/7) |
- Journal club: Driever
- Group 1:
- Group 2:
- Fly embryo collection
- Embryo mounting and imaging
Assignment 5
Due: Mon. (5/20) |
- Assignment 5: See Fly Embryo Handout
Week 7
No class this week!
Week 8
Session 1: LacI Titration Curve
Pre lab: |
- Read the handout
- Write the pre-lab in your notebook
In lab: |
Session 2: Matlab Tutorial on LacI Titration Curve
Pre lab: |
In lab: |
- Matlab tutorial on LacI titration curve (ZIP)
Mon. (5/20) |
- Group 1:
- Group 2:
- Matlab tutorial on LacI titration curve (Need to bring laptop!)
- Journal club: Rosenfeld
Tue. (5/21) |
- Group 1:
- Matlab tutorial on LacI titration curve (Need to bring laptop!)
- Journal club: Rosenfeld
- Group 2:
Assignment 6
Due: Tues. (5/28) |
Week 9
Session 1: Bioinformatics Part I
Pre lab: |
In lab: |
Session 2: Bioinformatics Part II
Pre lab: |
In lab: |
Mon. (5/27) |
Tue. (5/28) |
- Bioinformatics Part I (Need to bring laptops!)
Thu. (5/30) |
Assignment 7
Due: Tue. (6/4) |
Week 10
Mon. (6/3) |
Tue. (6/4) |