APH 161

Homeworks are due at the beginning of class one week after they are posted.  Solutions will be posted two days after the homeworks are submitted, and homeworks will be returned a week after they are submitted.

Late policy: NO late homeworks will be accepted (late means anytime after class starts the day the homework is due) unless you have a mindblowingly good excuse - this means a note from someone like a doctor or a Dean.  Rob does not grant extensions.

Collaboration policy: you may discuss the homework with others, but your explanations and derivations must be your own.  Your logic and the significance of your results should also be explained.

HW1 (due Jan 14) : HW1 Solutions

HW2 (due Jan 21) : HW2 Solutions

HW3 (due Jan 28) : HW3 Solutions



HW4 (due Feb 4) : HW4 Solutions

HW5 (due Feb 11): HW5 Solutions


HW6 (due Feb 18) : HW6 Solutions


Bessel zeros

HW7 (due Mar 6)